Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

NETLS Updates & Information 11/16/2009


TLA Awards, Grants, Scholarship and Stipend ….checkem out
TLA promotes librarianship by presenting:
awards to recognize contributions and excellence in the profession,
grants to support library-enhancing projects and research,
scholarships to facilitate library school education, and
stipends to encourage conference attendance.

From ALA’s Washington Office

CPSC Issues Rule Regarding Lead Standards in Library Books

“… Currently, only manufacturers and importers of children’s products are required to obtain testing showing compliance with CPSIA lead limits. A library is neither a manufacturer nor an importer, so it is not required to test products before their sale or distribution...” --- excerpted from Federal Register August 26, Vol 74, No. 164, p 43039

Sad News –Joyce Morrison, former long-time director of the Upshur County Library in Gilmer passed away on November 5 in Gilmer. Memorials and memorial donations are being accepted at the library.

In November… Regional Planning Meetings

Join us in small group settings throughout the region to get representation from NETLS area libraries. We’ll review our current activities and plan for the future! I look forward to seeing you.

Monday Nov 16 10a-12p Seven Points

Tuesday Nov 17 10a-12p Grand Prairie (Dallas County)

Wednesday Nov 18 2p-4p Honey Grove

Thank you to our host libraries. We are planning another series of meetings in January. If you are interested in hosting a small group, please contact me.


We are asking everyone who has received service from NETLS (hmm, receiving this email?) to complete this survey to measure our effectiveness.

Libraries and library staff who received service through the TANG program are asked to complete this survey:

We have transcribed the questions in the survey, if you want to view the questions before you begin, contact Lori Mullins or Robin Hayles for the list.


Plan to attend the December 1 Membership Meeting in Garland at the Performing Arts Center. We’re working on a super program of presenters and following the meeting with a vendor fair.

  • Dean Herman Totten will give an update on the state of the University of North Texas College of Information.

  • Charlene Rendon will provide an overview of getting maximum benefit from participation in the Texas Purchasing Cooperative during the meeting and will be available at the following vendor fair to respond your specific questions.

  • Christian fiction author Mary DeMuth will underscore the importance of creating a well-rounded faith-based fiction section. She will also give everyone a free copy of her latest book.

We have over 100 vendors participating in the vendor fair. Dedicate some time after the meeting to see the latest offerings from library companies and presenters. There should be something of interest here for every community!

Start composing your library report for our meeting packet (there won’t be time during the meeting for oral reports.) Email your report to me with Library Report as the subject line or submit online later this week when the online form is ready.


All courier participants are encouraged to submit monthly statistics. Participants subsidized by NETLS are required to submit reports monthly and also to participate in the sample week period now underway.

Bus-eum3 is expected in Texas December 10, 2009 through January 6, 2010. To book a visit to your community contact: or call 651.646.0400.

Registration is currently
underway for online tutorials through UNT’s LE@D project. Register through our website to get the classes offered for free.
A dozen ways to two-step; essential web 2.0 training for Texas librarians is currently underway (12 CEUs)

OPPORTUNITIES…Artifacts from the Space Shuttle Program
Museums and libraries are invited to apply for free (you pay shipping) NASA space shuttle artifacts, including small items such as astronaut helmets, gloves, and boots, and large items such as shuttle Motion Based Simulators and Crew Compartment Trainers. NASA will retire the Space Shuttle Program at the end of 2010 and is eager for the public to learn about the wonders of space exploration through museum and library exhibitions. Complete announcement.

New ROSA workshops coming to DFW area, read all about them on the Library Developments blog.

We the People Bookshelf
Great Stories Club
Books Across America (schools)
Big Read (application process is now open, applications will be due February 2, 2010)

NETLS TRAINING: LE@D classes, TexShare EBSCO Databases, TexShare Genealogy Databases register now!

From the TSLAC Library Development Blog:
Free Online CE Events November 2009
Yes, it is late in the month but still worth the visit. A little bit of almost everything, grant writing, trends, managing your email!

Ongoing Gale database training webinars(newest products are listed first)

Ongoing A dozen ways to two-step

Ongoing E-Library training – see blog post here

Also available: Archives of SirsiDynix Institutes

Librarian Live Podcasts

Ongoing through January 29 We People Bookshelf grant application accepted for A More Perfect Union 17 books, and includes Ken Burns’ PBS series on the Civil Way.

Register NOW to receive an application for The Better World Books/NCFL Libraries and Families Award grants to connect families to their local libraries and expand their literacy efforts in new and innovative ways.

November 17 Grand Prairie Regional Planning Meeting

November 18 Honey Grove Regional Planning Meeting

November 19 The Art of Grant Writing and Fundraising Online Conference (NOT free $69 per person or $99 for a group)

By November 20 Books Across America Library Books Awards for Pre K-12 School Libraries

By November 29 Request artifacts from NASA

December 1 Save the date – NETLS Membership Meeting and Vendor Fair Garland

By December 12 J. Frank Dobie Library Trust Award application due for libraries serving under 20,000. Information here

By January 15 Tocker foundations grant applications due

By January 31 Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust Support for nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Texas that provide services to the elderly. Grants generally range from $5,000 to $100,000.

By February 2 Big Read applications due

By March 3 Tocker Foundation stipend applications for TLA Conference 2010

Friday, November 13, 2009

NETLS Updates and Information 11/9/09

*** JUST IN…

See announcement of the *new* ILL program (pdf). Libraries interested in participating in the pilot program or with questions about the project are encouraged to contact Sue Bennett.

CHANGES AFOOT –Rules to reflect the changes made to the Library Systems Act in the recent legislative session are posted to the Texas Register and included in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) when approved. Library development section of the TAC is here.

· Minimum Standards For Accreditation Of Libraries In The State Library System (text of rule for non-public libraries)

In November… Regional Planning Meetings

Join us in small group settings throughout the region to get representation from NETLS area libraries. We’ll review our current activities and plan for the future! I look forward to seeing you.

Monday Nov 16 10a-12p Seven Points

Tuesday Nov 17 10a-12p Grand Prairie (Dallas County)

Wednesday Nov 18 2p-4p Honey Grove

Thank you to our host libraries. We are planning another series of meetings in January. If you are interested in hosting a small group, please contact me.


We are asking everyone who has received service from NETLS (hmm, receiving this email?) to complete this survey to measure our effectiveness.

Libraries and library staff who received service through the TANG program are asked to complete this survey:

We have transcribed the questions in the survey, if you want to view the questions before you begin, contact Lori Mullins or Robin Hayles for the list.


Plan to attend the December 1 Membership Meeting in Garland at the Performing Arts Center. We’re working on a super program of presenters and following the meeting with a vendor fair.

Charlene Rendon will provide an overview of getting maximum benefit from participation in the Texas Purchasing Cooperative during the meeting and will be available at the following vendor fair to respond your specific questions. Dean Herman Totten will give an update on the state of the University of North Texas College of Information. Christian fiction author Mary DeMuth will underscore the importance of creating a well-rounded faith-based fiction section. She will also give everyone a free copy of her latest book.

We have over 100 vendors participating in the vendor fair. Dedicate some time after the meeting to see the latest offerings from library companies and presenters. There should be something of interest here for every community!


Don’t miss Sandra Brown at the Frisco Public Library’s FOL Meet ‘n Mingle.


All courier participants are encouraged to submit monthly statistics. Participants subsidized by NETLS are required to do so and also to participate in the upcoming sample week period. (Watch your email box on Wednesday for specifics.)

Bus-eum3 is expected in Texas December 10, 2009 through January 6, 2010. To book a visit to your community contact: or call 651.646.0400.

Registration is currently
underway for online tutorials through UNT’s LE@D project. Register through our website to get the classes offered for free.
A dozen ways to two-step; essential web 2.0 training for Texas librarians is currently underway (12 CEUs)

OPPORTUNITIES…Artifacts from the Space Shuttle Program
Museums and libraries are invited to apply for free (you pay shipping) NASA space shuttle artifacts, including small items such as astronaut helmets, gloves, and boots, and large items such as shuttle Motion Based Simulators and Crew Compartment Trainers. NASA will retire the Space Shuttle Program at the end of 2010 and is eager for the public to learn about the wonders of space exploration through museum and library exhibitions. Complete announcement.

New ROSA workshops coming to DFW area, read all about them on the Library Developments blog.

We the People Bookshelf
Great Stories Club
Books Across America (schools)
Big Read (application process is now open, applications will be due February 2, 2010)

NETLS TRAINING: LE@D classes, TexShare EBSCO Databases, TexShare Genealogy Databases register now!

Ongoing Gale database training webinars(newest products are listed first)

Ongoing A dozen ways to two-step

Ongoing E-Library training – see blog post here

Also available: Archives of SirsiDynix Institutes

Librarian Live Podcasts

Ongoing through January 29 We People Bookshelf grant application accepted for A More Perfect Union 17 books.

Register NOW to receive an application for The Better World Books/NCFL Libraries and Families Award grants to connect families to their local libraries and expand their literacy efforts in new and innovative ways.

Due November 6 2009 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access (don’t know your access code, click here) Upon completion of the survey, register for a chance to win a Kindle! Missed it? Try the link anyway!

November 12 Booklist webinar, Sweet Talk: Romance Fiction in the Library

November 13 Millenials in the library see this posting for viewing options

November 16 Seven Points Regional Planning Meeting

November 17 Grand Prairie Regional Planning Meeting

November 18 Honey Grove Regional Planning Meeting

November 19 The Art of Grant Writing and Fundraising Online Conference (NOT free $69 per person or $99 for a group)

By November 20 Books Across America Library Books Awards for Pre K-12 School Libraries

By November 29 Request artifacts from NASA

December 1 Save the date – NETLS Membership Meeting and Vendor Fair Garland

By December 12 J. Frank Dobie Library Trust Award application due for libraries serving under 20,000. Information here

By January 31 Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust Support for nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Texas that provide services to the elderly. Grants generally range from $5,000 to $100,000.

By February 2 Big Read applications due

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

From Rains County

Summer Reading Promo -- Lyn Baldwin and Misty Harmon

Friday, September 18, 2009

NETLS Information & Updates 9/18


NETLS and NTRLS are exploring consortia or group purchasing discounts for our member libraries.   We expect to identify products and negotiate terms in FY2010 and provide group pricing in FY2011 (September 2010).  The first step in the process is this survey. 


Word from Palestine is they are abandoning their library building.  The library was a historic building with added space wrapped around it.  In August the roof over the adult section of the building gave way.  The roof over the other portion of the addition gave way last weekend with added damage caused by walls moving.  The library is seeking to move to other space while a new building is erected or remodeled.  If you have skills (grant writing, anyone?) , resources or ideas to offer, contact Library Director, Carol Herrington.  NETLS and member libraries have helped by providing and delivering book trucks, boxes, etc to be used to remove materials from the building.  While all help is appreciated, do not visit or send materials to the library without first contacting Carol.  News stories of the first collapse here and about the recent collapse here and here.


While Palestine’s library is closed, the Jacksonville Library is serving Palestine residents.  More about the cooperation between the cities here.


One of the NETLS nonprofit libraries is hoping to stay competitive in their total compensation for employees.  If you have a document or link you can provide to show salary scales and benefits packages, please send to me at  

As we begin our new fiscal year we’ll be sending a series of quick surveys, primarily to confirm your intention to participate in our group purchases or subsidy.  The current survey tallies your intent to participate in the courier service.  Please respond to all surveys, even if your answer is “No, thanks!”    

The 2011 Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) Conference will be held in Frisco, Texas.  Dates are yet to be determined.  The announcement was made at the ARSL annual conference last week in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.


Also, the new ARSL website was unveiled at the conference.  The address is  Among four small/rural libraries pictured on the ARSL home page is Waskom Public Library, a NETLS member.

     Check out these resources on the ARSL website mentioned above.   Most of these tips are appropriate for facilities of any size or type.


     If you’re using a current browser, try to print only the portions of websites you want.  The changes you make here can be saved -- a good way to remove advertisements and active content from training handouts, etc.  See the FAQ here.



 Most library directors will have received this information directly but just in case … If your library does not presently own a copy of the new children's U.S. geography book, "Friends and Mates in Fifty States" contact the author to request a free copy (no shipping costs).


  In the last Update I mentioned the Chili’s Fundraiser scheduled by the Garland FOL on October 5 & 6.  Roy Lewis, former NETLS staffer, points out that Applebee’s also has a fundraising dining program, contact your local Applebee’s for more information. 


.    The Gates Foundation's Opportunity Online Broadband Grant Program is looking for high-impact stories directly from patrons, commentary from library staff about the services they are able to provide or would provide if they had a broadband connection, and what patrons have done with the increased connection speed if they have gotten a high-speed connection. A video team is planning to be in the state for a week in September to try to get film stories in as many sites as possible.  If you are interested in participating in this project please read this blog post and contact Dawn Vogler at (512) 936-4449.

Libraries not currently subscribing to broadband service should have received invitations to the Opportunity Online Summit in San Antonio next month.  Library directors are encouraged to invite one community decision leader to attend the event.  Libraries with broadband and not eligible for the new program may also be invited to the summit to share their experiences.

.     Making the most of broadband stimulus funds,  Tuesday, October 13th, 1 pm CDT Presented by: Motorola  
Focused on wireless services, this free webinar (presented by industry insiders) will discuss how entities – think cities or counties -- looking for funds can drill down beyond the marketing hype and find the right partner to move through the bureaucratic, funding and procurement process.     Municipal wireless planning guide (pdf).

.  Preaching to the choir – Thriving Libraries Reflect Thriving Cities (pdf) published by Texas Municipal League, January 2009.

.  Join our group purchase of ResumeMaker.  Very favorable terms for two years of service (pay for one year, get two years).  Contact Connie for more information.

.  On TSLAC’s Library Development Blog

A dozen ways to two-step; essential web 2.0 training for Texas librarians –currently underway (12 CEUs)




OPEN TO ALL The new TLA CE program that combines journal articles by top subject experts with live online webinars will be launching on October. The Fall series will focus on communication. Later seasons will cover collaboration (winter), leadership (spring), and innovation (summer).


Tuesday, October 13, 3:30-4:15pm

Dr. Julie Todaro, “School Library Data: I’ve called you all here today to…”

Julie Todaro, dean of library services for Austin Community College, will show how to use the school data from the recent TLA voter opinion survey to market school library programs and improve communications with local PTAs, support groups, and administrators. She has worked with school library administrators on this issue and chairs the TLA PR Committee. Todaro's webinar will provide realistic, replicable strategies for convincing others to speak out for school libraries.


(Public Library Topic) Tuesday, October 20, 2:00-2:45pm

Susan Mann, Building Relationships and Influence That Will Help Your Library”

Susan Mann, director of Hillsboro City Library, will provide "in the trench" training on cultivating and influencing elected officials and making sure libraries, librarians, and friends groups are at the decision-making table. Having skillfully negotiated the art of being heard, Mann offers a unique, creative, and practical program for the taking charge of your library's future. Mann follows up with a live online discussion on building relationships and "making a good friendship count": dealing with controversial matters, using relationships to support PR, and reviewing examples of when things go right and wrong. 


Tuesday, October 27, 2:00-2:45pm

Robert Walton, “‘Big’ Challenges (and Opportunities) for Academic Libraries”

Robert Walton, chief executive officer of Claremont University Consortium, and former executive vice president and chief financial officer for Innovative Interfaces, Incorporated, will address the trends and changes he sees facing academic libraries. Now, as an academic administrator, he'll share strategies for advancing academic libraries for the next generation of higher education. Walton's webinar will feature a panel of Texas academic librarians reacting to Walton's ideas and discussing what, from an administrator’s perspective, makes librarians credible in the higher education arena.


To register: Please visit (TLA members can also register on the Members Only section of the TLA web site - if you do so, the system will automatically populate the registration form with data). 

Email will be sent to registrants with detailed information on how to log in to the webinar before the event. 

People who are unfamiliar with webinar technology are asked to log in 10 minutes early to make sure there are no technical problems.

Please note that participants will need to log in to BOTH a conference call and a web site. The conference call is toll free. The web site requires no downloads.

If you are concerned about your ability to connect to an outside webinar, please visit to instantly test your computer. If you see green dots, you're good to go! 

Participants will be able to print certificates of CPE credit for the live events. Non-credit recordings of the webinars will also be available for viewing at a later date. 

For more information, please contact TLA CE Specialist Ted Wanner at or 800-580-2852.


Ongoing Gale database training webinars(newest products are listed first)

Ongoing    A dozen ways to two-step

Ongoing E-Library training – see blog post here 

   Also available: Archives of SirsiDynix Institutes

                          Librarian Live Podcasts

September 19 -26 Authors ExpressSachse and Wylie authors’ series

September 22  Heritage quest webinar, 1 pm.  more

September 23  Digital Sanborn maps webinar, 11 am  .  more

September 24 Young Adult Book Buzz webinar

September 25 East Texas Book Fest Ornelas Center, Tyler (location of our meeting Aug 14) Authors

September 26–October 3 Banned Book Week

By October 1 Books for babies matching grant applications due

By October 2 Proposals due for 2010 National Diversity in Libraries Conference, NDLC2010: From Groundwork to Action, July 14-16, 2010 in Princeton, NJ.

October 7-8 Opportunity Online Summit in San Antonio (by invitation only – awareness and opportunity for libraries without broadband service)

October 9  9th ILL Workshop DoubleTree Inn in Austin (Note, ILL 101 is offered at no charge)

October 12 Texas State Library and Archives Commission meeting, TBA, Sam Houston Regional Library & Research Center, 650 FM 1011, Liberty, TX 77575. Contact Tracy Lash 512-463-5460.

October 18 – 24  Teen Read Week (toolkit here)

October 24 2009 TLA District V Workshop  Northeast Texas Community College Mount Pleasant, Texas.  Open to everyone interested in libraries! (First time users and non-members look for the NEW USER button on the registration page.) 

November 1 End daylight saving time more info from WebExhibits

By November 2 – Entries for Best Small Library in America (under 25,000 pop)

By November 2 Entries due for participation in the Great Stories Club Grants, funded by Oprah’s Angel Project

November 3 Texas Special Election, Constitutional Amendments

Scheduling now – series of geographic planning meetings.  November 2-6 and 16 & 17. 

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