Monday, August 30, 2010

NETLS Updates & Information 8/30

Happy (?) Banned Books Week


Surveys Beginning…

Watch for several very quick surveys coming to your email box soon.  We’re eager for our new fiscal year to start and we’ll need to get your input on a variety of topics and get commitment for participation in our projects.


Continuing Education


Courier this survey must be completed for each library expecting a subsidy from NETLS.  Libraries not completing the survey will NOT be subsidized by NETLS.  Complete by September 3.


Remember the NETLS NEWS list is open to all library supporters. Register here for our lists (or just ask to be added)… also most NETLS News emails are archived on the NETLS Director blog.

From the TWDL Project     

JobNow access continues through August 31!
contact us for login information


MARC records for training disks provided through TWDL project are available upon request. 

Cataloging provided by LLIBS.  Thank you!


TWDL Successes?

If your library and library users are using for Job Hunting and Computer resources *and* you or your patrons are willing to be interviewed for public service announcements, talk to Connie.  Other promotional materials for TWDL are near the bottom of this page.


cid:image001.png@01CB481C.F70364B0netls Tweets


Get your plans in -- Loan Star Libraries FY2011 Awards - Texas State Library


NETLS Courier participation survey ends September 3. Participation required for NETLS stipend.


Google Voice Telephone Booths Coming to an Airport or College Near You via @mashabletech @mashable


If your library Tweets, let us know and we’ll add you to our list!


Your RDA Lesson… Contributed by Dennis Quinn, Cataloger, Duncanville Public Library




Imagine you're holding something that can be checked out at your library. A printed book, a music CD, an audiobook, a DVD movie, a magazine, anything. Whatever it is that you're imagining, it is more complex than you might think. A lot of people helped create it, and it is most likely connected in some way to many other things or ideas. When we catalog this thing, RDA encourages us to describe as much as we can about what it is, where it came from, and what other things it's related to.


It also asks us to think of our many "things" (or “information objects”) in a different way than we may be used to thinking of them, using something called the WEMI model. WEMI stands for Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item - the four levels at which information objects exist and can be described. The Work is the most abstract level, where description is the most general, and Item is the most concrete level, where description is the most specific. The other two (Expression and Manifestation) fall in between. This may be a little confusing at first, but in the next few issues of NETLS NEWS, we’ll take a closer look at the WEMI model, starting at the bottom with the Item level and making our way up to the Work level.



If your library users, library, Friends or Foundation has something to brag about, do it here!  We always want to know about successes and struggles. 


Let us know when there is something we’ve offered (consulting, continuing education, projects, or just information) that resulted in success or a story of personal accomplishment. 


We love to have your stories when we talk to funders about budgets and your stories help us plan when we know what did or didn’t work. 


Summer Reading Club .. Have YOUR Say..

By September 15

2010 Texas Reading Club Evaluation Form

2010 Texas Teens Read! Evaluation Form

Place your 2011 supply orders now.  Your 2010 order may be reviewed here.

Buddy Up


FREE READER’S GUIDES – Grapes of Wrath

The Tyler Public Library has materials remaining from their recent One Book event.  If your book club or library can use a box (250 guides) of the 16 page guides contact Chris Albertson in Tyler,


Capital Grants from The Kresge Foundation  The Kresge Foundation is a $3.1 billion private, national foundation that seeks to influence the quality of life for future generations through its support of nonprofit organizations in six fields of interest: health, the environment, community development, arts and culture, education and human services.  Review their website for more information, note the request that questions are sent to the Grants Inquiry Coordinator.


3rd annual 5K Fun Run, Walk, or Crawl on September 18th is sponsored by Friends of the Pittsburg Camp County Public Library. Information and registration forms are on this Facebook page.

Cute Idea --  Faux Poe Contest

An activity that is part of the Orange County (NY) Big Read project

Write some original poetry in the style of Edgar Allan Poe! Submit your entries (up to 5 poems per person) by October 11 for a chance to win valuable prizes. Winning poems will capture Poe's tone, form, themes and other poetic elements. Each entry must be signed and state the entrant's name and date of birth (age brackets will be used to determine winners). Only Chester residents are eligible to enter. Winners will be announced by October 31st.

Event Location: Chester Public Library, Chester, NY, 10918 


2010 Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Library Mini-grants  

The Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Mini-grant Program awards funds to programs that encourage literacy and creativity in children.  Applications are due September 15.


..On the cheap..

Suzanne Moore in Mineola reports success with BookMooch.  Items not needed in the library collection are offered to readers/libraries via the website.  Points are earned when items are sent to others.  The points can then be used toward “purchase” of materials offered by other participants.


From a recent post to the ARSL and PubLib lists:

I have been able to obtain free yearly subscriptions for my public library to magazines like Smart Money, Glamour, Seventeen, Parents, Conde Nast Traveler, Country Living, Siempre Mujer, Martha Stewart Living, Oprah, Allure, Ready Made (and many others). 


I set up a personal account at and enter codes from Coke products.  My storytime moms bring me bottlecaps (3 points) and the little cardboard pieces that detach from refrigerator packs (10 points or 25 points, depending on the size of the pack). 


When I have enough points for a yearly subscription (between 100 and 300 points for most magazines; not difficult to attain), I enter my library's address information as the destination for works as a gift subscription.  There are no shipping costs or associated fees.


Google Voice  -- Free calls from your computer to telephones

Google Voice offers the ability of a computer user to call toll free throughout the US and Canada.  Users install a small program, and use a computer headset with microphone to place the call to any number.  The program also offers international calling and can convert voice messages to text, and permits forwarding of your existing phone numbers to the service.  See the Google Voice summary here.  (Google also offers free Gmail [I highly recommend Gmail] and chat, either text or voice.)


Opportunity to Serve. .. ILL/Courier Working Group Call for Nominations


TexShare working groups are the heart of TexShare. Only individuals from TexShare member libraries are eligible to serve on TexShare Working Groups. Working group appointments are usually for three years.


Librarians from TexShare member institutions may nominate themselves or others.  Library directors may nominate staff.  All nominations must have the support of the nominee's library director.  Information about TexShare governance and its roles and responsibilities is on the TexShare pages.


For more information contact  (512) 463-5406   

Modifications to Annual Reports for 2010

If you haven’t seen it yet, watch for changes to data collection for upcoming reporting.  Mailed to directors recently, if you didn’t get your letter contact Stacey Malek verify your contact information.


Communications Discounts (Budget impact for many libraries)

If you are a library director, please take the time to have your technology staffer fill out the TLA survey on the state’s telecommunications discounts. You may recall that the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) oversees the telecommunications discount program for libraries, schools, institutions of higher education, and hospitals that was created in 1995. This discount program specifies that telecommunications companies must provide certain broadband services at discounted rates.   The statutory provisions governing some of these discounts are set to expire on January 1, 2012.

In order to better assess the use of the discounts for the upcoming legislative session, we invite all school, public, and academic libraries to complete a survey designed to gather data about the use and savings associated with the discount program.

Texas Telecom Discount Survey (PDF version): contains instructions and the questions that need to be answered.

TAKE THE SURVEY NOW! Please complete the survey by August 31.

HB 2128

TEX.UTIL.CODE ANN Section 57.022 et.seq. (West 1998).
This is the Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 relating to the regulation of telecommunications utilities, to the provision of telecommunications and related services, and to the continuation of the public Utility Commission. The legislation provides for a reduced rate for telecommunications service the commission finds is directly related to a distance learning activity that is or could be conducted by an educational institution in this state, or an information sharing program that is or could be conducted by a library in this state.
Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 231, Section 49, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.
Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 166, Section 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1997

Promote Your Services
Mike Baldwin, Director of the Benbrook Public Library (a taxing district) has prepared materials to illustrate the value of libraries.  The materials are available from staff or in the emailed newsletter (they are in Publisher format) for you to adapt to your own use.  – thank Mike when you see him!

Did you know? We’ve been able to help some of our smallest libraries migrate to LibraryWorld.  It is a great hosted solution for small libraries at $395 a year.  If you are looking for a low-cost solution, contact us!  Visit the Hooks Public Library’s catalog.

Coming soon on a computer near you:


Free One Hour Webinars on Teen Services More information/Registration

Graphic Novels: A Gateway for Reluctant Readers

     Tuesday, September 7, 2010 10-11:00 AM Central Time
Gear Up to Game!

     Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 10-11AM Central Time 

Programs that Will Get Teens Involved!

     Tuesday, October 5, 2010 10-11:00 AM Central Time

Creating Community through Dynamic Teen Book Discussion Groups

     Monday, November 8, 2010 2:30-3:30 PM Central Standard Time

Get on the bus!  The Texas State Library and Archives Commission version of the Get on the Bus: Rev Up Your Reference Training is now available.  This free online training opportunity is an 8 unit course, covering a vast array of reference service topics.  To register and participate in the course, go HERE.  The complete program provides 9 CEU/SBEC.

August Webinars listed on TSLAC Library Developments Blog

   Also available:   Librarian Live Podcasts

                                              Management and Training topics 

                                              Ebsco’s free online training schedule

Mango Languages 1-2 pm.  Aug 31


August 27  - September 3 Banned Books Week

August 31 Complete the Telecomm Survey

September 3  Survey responses due for NETLS courier subsidies.

September 10 Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy up to $65,000 for literacy programs for adult primary caregivers and their children.

September 14 The rural library trustee: Roles, responsibilities and relationships free webinar Information and registration  Recommended  for governing boards

By September 15 Respond to Summer Reading surveys
September 15  Ezra Jack Keats minigrant applications due

September 15  Texas Cultures Online digitization grant applications due

September 15 Grant applications due to Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation, Inc.

September 16 Ready, Set Go! 30 Ways to Reach Reluctant Readers in 60 Minutes, YALSA Webinar, Interested? contact Steve

September 20  Deadline for I love my librarian nominations

September 25 – October 2 Banned Book Week (resources)

September 29 E-books at the tipping point virtual e-book summit NOT FREE

September 30 Grant applications due to Dollar General to reduce waiting list times for adult literacy students

October 19 All about Grants Workshop Jacksonville 4CEUs information here
October 20 All about Grants Workshop Midlothian 4CEUs information here

November 5 Application deadline for Best Small Library in America Award

November 12 Applications due for the 2011 Better World Books/NCFL Libraries and Families


Ongoing  Build A Bear literacy and education grants


Below the line …  


      Excessive fees?


            Weeding?  Have some fun



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NETLS Updates & Information 8/18/2010

Surveys Beginning…

Watch for several very quick surveys coming to your email box soon.  We’re eager for our new fiscal year to start and we’ll need to get your input on a variety of topics and get commitment for participation in our projects.


Continuing Education


Courier this survey must be completed for each library expecting a subsidy from NETLS.  Libraries not completing the survey will NOT be subsidized by NETLS.  Complete by September 3.


Remember the NETLS NEWS list is open to all library supporters. Register here for our lists (or just ask to be added)… also most NETLS News emails are archived on the NETLS Director blog.

From the TWDL Project     

JobNow access continues through August 31!
contact us for login information


MARC records for training disks provided through TWDL project are available upon request. 

Cataloging provided by LLIBS.  Thank you!


TWDL Successes?

If your library and library users are using for Job Hunting and Computer resources *and* you or your patrons are willing to be interviewed for public service announcements, talk to Connie.  Other promotional materials for TWDL are near the bottom of this page.


netls Tweets


Congratulations to all ---- TSLAC’s TEAL BTOP application awarded! Nearly 1/3 of the participating applicants are in NETLS.  Awards announced August 18. (the TSLAC award is listed on p.16)


6 Endangered Tech Species - TheStreet 2 days ago


Retweet amlibraries Museum people scramble to keep up with librarians:


If your library Tweets, let us know and we’ll add you to our list!


Your RDA Lesson…

Lesson #1 RDA is short for Resource Description and Access.  RDA is developed to replace Anglo-American (AACR2) cataloging rules in favor of international guidelines for description.  RDA does not replace MARC.  RDA adds a few new fields to MARC records. The RDA Toolkit is available for free throughout August.  If you have an interest in this topic sign-up for the free access right away!

Considering earning a Master’s Degree?

MLS Grant Money Available to Students at TWU


For the 2010-2011 Academic year, tuition funds are available to current or potential MLS students in the TWU MLS program. The funds originate from the Professional Education for Librarians in Small Communities (PELSC) grant, awarded to the TWU MLS program.  SLIS is offering tuition monies for these current or potential MLS students who possess the following criteria:

1.    are library directors in small or rural public libraries in Texas

serving a population of 25,000 or less,  OR are students who are full-time or part-time employees in small or rural public libraries in Texas provided that criteria 2 & 3 below are met;

2.    are admitted in the academic year 2010-2011 (Fall, Spring and Summer); and

3.    show evidence of professional career development activities either through the TSLAC's Small Library Management Training Program, or other conferences/workshops at local, state or national level.


Application form and additional information are on TWU’s web site.




If your library users, library, Friends or Foundation has something to brag about, do it here!  We always want to know about successes and struggles. 


Let us know when there is something we’ve offered (consulting, continuing education, projects, or just information) that resulted in success or a story of personal accomplishment. 


We love to have your stories when we talk to funders about budgets and your stories help us plan when we know what did or didn’t work. 


Summer Reading Club .. Have YOUR Say..

By September 15

2010 Texas Reading Club Evaluation Form

2010 Texas Teens Read! Evaluation Form

Place your 2011 supply orders now.  Your 2010 order may be reviewed here.

Buddy Up


FREE READER’S GUIDES – Grapes of Wrath

The Tyler Public Library has materials remaining from their recent One Book event.  If your book club or library can use a box (250 guides) of the 16 page guides contact Chris Albertson.


ALA,  “Steal our ideas, Rip us off!”

ALA invites libraries and library supporters to modify the resources on their @ Your Library web site in newsletters, presentations, news releases, etc.  This example talks about including Twitter in job networking plans.


Enhance your website

See how Irving Public is using Google Docs for a slideshow on their catalog web site … for information on how you can do this, contact Jerry McCulley.


Templates for a new year

Microsoft Templates for academic year calendars are available free for download.  A wide variety of 2011 calendar templates are also available.


Capital Grants from The Kresge Foundation  The Kresge Foundation is a $3.1 billion private, national foundation that seeks to influence the quality of life for future generations through its support of nonprofit organizations in six fields of interest: health, the environment, community development, arts and culture, education and human services.  Review their website for more information, note the request that questions are sent to the Grants Inquiry Coordinator.


Book Sale, Longview August 20 – 21, visit their website for more information.


3rd annual 5K Fun Run, Walk, or Crawl on September 18th is sponsored by Friends of the Pittsburg Camp County Public Library. Information and registration forms are on this Facebook page.

5 Ways That Paper Books Are Better Than eBooks just to move the topic along.  Don’t miss the comments.  Also read 5 Ways that eBooks are better than paper books.  Again, don’t miss the comments


STORYBLOCKS.ORG, is an online video collection featuring one-minute songs and rhymes for babies, toddlers and preschool children in both English and Spanish. Filmed in partnership with Rocky Mountain PBS, librarians throughout Colorado share successful activities as well as literacy tips.


Recycled Reads is Austin Public Library’s method of disposing of items removed from their collections. 


The NETLS operating budget has not yet been approved by the TSLAC Commissioners.  We are expecting the budget to be approved as submitted (with some minor adjustments based on census population and number of accredited libraries). 


1.   We have requested TexShare Database subsidies as provided in SFY2010. 

2.   The budget includes funds to reimburse materials lost in ILL/TexShare Card loans.

3.   We expect to continue courier subsidies as in the past.

4.   We plan to fund small “Spot Consulting” projects.

5.   Technology mini-grants are expected.

6.   We expect Loan Star Library grants to return to SFY2009 levels (a reduction from the current year).


ILL Transit Expenses

As noted above NETLS will continue to offer a courier subsidy to libraries that are NOT accepting courier subsidies from another source. (Indicate your interest in a subsidy in the Courier Survey) Courier rates for SFY11 are the same as in the current year. ($4500-5day; $3075-3day; $2425-2day service; costs quoted do not reflect any subsidies)


Libraries receiving materials from the TexNet ILL Center at the Dallas Public Library through the mail will have pre-paid postage mailing labels included with their materials for return of materials to the Dallas Public Library.  This pilot project is another attempt to increase user access to materials while controlling costs. 


Did you know? We’ve been able to help some of our smallest libraries migrate to LibraryWorld.  It is a great hosted solution for small libraries at $395 a year.  If you are looking for a low-cost solution, contact us!  Visit the Hooks Public Library’s catalog.


Coming soon on a computer near you:


Conducting a Successful Capital Campaign - Thursday, August 26, 2010, 10:00-11:00 am Central Time

Capital campaigns are not rocket science but conducting a successful campaign involves many activities and a lot of hard work. Done well, conducting a successful campaign can go way beyond building a new library building – it can position your library for great fundraising into the future. Library Strategies consultant, Sue Hall, will lay out all the activities in a capital campaign – including the feasibility study, setting a campaign goal, recruiting campaign leadership, creating a compelling campaign case, soliciting major donors and all the campaign activities.


Free One Hour Webinars on Teen Services More information/Registration

Graphic Novels: A Gateway for Reluctant Readers

     Tuesday, September 7, 2010 10-11:00 AM Central Time
Gear Up to Game!

     Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 10-11AM Central Time 

Programs that Will Get Teens Involved!

     Tuesday, October 5, 2010 10-11:00 AM Central Time

Creating Community through Dynamic Teen Book Discussion Groups

     Monday, November 8, 2010 2:30-3:30 PM Central Standard Time

Get on the bus!  The Texas State Library and Archives Commission version of the Get on the Bus: Rev Up Your Reference Training is now available.  This free online training opportunity is an 8 unit course, covering a vast array of reference service topics.  To register and participate in the course, go HERE.  The complete program provides 9 CEU/SBEC.

August Webinars listed on TSLAC Library Developments Blog

   Also available:         Librarian Live Podcasts

                                    Management and Training topics 

                                    Ebsco’s free online training schedule

Mango Languages 1-2 pm. Aug 24 Aug 31


August 19 Back to the Facts: YALSA Nonfiction Webinar 

August 20 Submit your career video for possible $1,000 prize

August 27 Friends Roundup, Canton Information  Registration

August 27 Banned Books Week Read-Out competitive grant   applications due

August 30 Earliest Literacy, Allen Information  Registration

September 3  Survey responses due for NETLS courier subsidies.

September 10 Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy up to $65,000 for literacy programs for adult primary caregivers and their children.

September 14 The rural library trustee: Roles, responsibilities and relationships free webinar Information and registration  Recommended  for governing boards

By September 15 Respond to Summer Reading surveys
September 15
 Ezra Jack Keats minigrant applications due

September 15  Texas Cultures Online digitization grant applications due

September 16 Ready, Set Go! 30 Ways to Reach Reluctant Readers in 60 Minutes, YALSA Webinar, Interested? contact Steve

September 20  Deadline for I love my librarian nominations

September 25 – October 2 Banned Book Week (resources)

September 29 E-books at the tipping point virtual e-book summit NOT FREE

September 30 Grant applications due to Dollar General to reduce waiting list times for adult literacy students

October 19 All about Grants Workshop Jacksonville 4CEUs information here
October 20 All about Grants Workshop Midlothian 4CEUs information here

November 5 Application deadline for Best Small Library in America Award

November 12 Applications due for the 2011 Better World Books/NCFL Libraries and Families


Ongoing  Build A Bear literacy and education grants


Below the line …  


      Lightning librarian (not DDC!)  Read the instructions.


BTOP Award Announced

See below for great news for the participating institutions.  Twelve of the 38 partners are NETLS libraries, they are:

Atlanta Public Library
Bertha Voyer Memorial Library (Honey Grove)
Ferris Public Library
Gilbreath Memorial Library (Winnsboro)
Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library
Lee Public Library (Gladewater)
Palestine Public Library
Rita & Truett Smith Public Library (Wylie)
Sachse Public Library
Singletary Memorial Library (Rusk)
The Library at Cedar Creek Lake (Seven Points)
W Walworth Harrison Public Library (Greenville)

News story from White



From: Peggy D. Rudd
Subject: BTOP Award Announcement


Dear Colleagues:


Good news!  The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has approved our Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant!  The formal announcement will be made later today.  Our Communications Office will issue a press release after the NTIA announcement.  In addition, a press release template that you may use locally, should you wish to do so, will be available by the end of the week online and via email.  More information will be coming from Chris Jowaisas.


We are so excited about this project and look forward to working with you to make it successful.  Congratulations to all of you on your efforts to get us to this point.  I know there’s more hard work ahead.  But, for now, don’t think about that. Let’s celebrate!


Best regards,



Peggy D. Rudd, Director and Librarian
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
1201 Brazos Street, PO Box 12927
Austin TX  78711-2927
Phone v 512.463.5460
Fax v 512.463.5436
Email v





Project description quoted from


Library & Archives

Commission, TX


TX $7,955,941

This approximately $8 million award, with nearly $3.7 million in

matching contributions, will allow the Texas State Library &

Archives Commission to deploy the Technology, Expertise,

Access and Learning for all Texans (TEAL) project which will

provide greater broadband computer access at faster speeds

by upgrading 125 public computer centers and establishing

approximately 30 new centers equipped with 2,200 new

workstations. In addition to the more than 125 jobs TEAL

estimates the project will create, it will provide a foundation for

economic growth and job creation for decades to come.


The work begins for our awardees!


Connie Moss,  Coordinator,
Northeast Texas Library System
4845 Broadway Blvd.  Garland, TX  75043
972-205-3852  Tollfree:877-638-5371



Resources for job seekers and computer basics