Monday, October 25, 2010

Movie Licensing USA - New & renewing

Movie Licensing USA is now offering NETLS libraries a 15% discount on their licenses. Cost of participation is based on the number of *current cardholders* -- cardholders who used the library in the last year or 12 month period. Movie Licensing USA offers films from major studios – including Disney. (**The two major motion picture studios they do not represent are 20th Century Fox and Sony Classics. You may not show their movies under this license.)

The license covers showings from the covered studios in your library that may be offered by civic groups, FOL, library programs, etc. See the FAQ for more information.

If you are currently using Movie Licensing USA, be sure to ask for the NETLS discount when you renew your license.

The discount offer will be available on our discounts page soon.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Don't miss ...

To library staff and supporters:


As travel budgets constrict and the cost of offering webinars drops, NETLS and other providers will continue to increase training through webinars.   


Our workshop, A Librarian’s Guide to Webinars, offers tips and tricks related to webinar offerings and attendance. 

·         Do you know webinar etiquette? 

·         Do you know how to communicate with other attendees individually and how to address the group?   

·         Are you familiar with the tools available to attendees and presenters? 


Learn all of the above and how to check connections and settings to ensure a stress-free session.  Attendees will have an opportunity to see webinars from both presenter and attendee perspective.  This three-hour training session is designed to teach webinar basics. The class will complete hands-on exercises using the open source webinar tool, DimDim.


A Librarian’s Guide to Webinars is offered

Jacksonville Public Library—Tuesday, Oct. 26 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Texarkana Public Library—Wednesday, Oct. 27 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Kaufman County Library—Thursday, Oct 28 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Van Alstyne Public Library—Friday, Oct 29 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Link to flyer (.pdf) for more information and a link to registration  3CEUs


This is also a good time to reserve your seat for New, Emerging and Useful Technologies.  Learn how to make good decisions about using new technologies.  Presenter Linda Braun will discuss current new tools and even some coming soon! 

·         How do libraries adapt to mobile devices? 

·         Do check-in services meet a library need? 

·         What about e-book readers and e-book apps?


In the afternoon, take some time to play with the technology at the Tech Petting Zoo. NETLS will have devices available so you can try them out for a hands-on experience


New, Emerging and Useful Technologies is offered

Garland South Branch Library —  Tuesday, Nov. 9  9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Tyler Public Library —  Wednesday, Nov. 10 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Link to flyer (.pdf) for more information and a link to registration  6CEUs


I hope you can attend, learn and enjoy these events.




NETLS Membership Meeting – November 30!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The missing link....missing from the last U&I

Community Grants
Deadline: October 31, 2010 - CVS Pharmacy Charitable Trust

The CVS Pharmacy Charitable Trust is offering $5,000 to public schools and nonprofits that promote the inclusion of children with physical disabilities.



NETLS Updates & Information 10/12/10

Seriously Surveying …

DUE THIS WEEK – Tell on us! Two brief surveys to tell TSLAC your SFY2010 experience with NETLS – did we make a difference? Positive, negative, no impact? --

1. Library System program survey (10 questions)!

2. TANG program survey– Technical Assistance Negotiated Grant (9 questions)

The survey will be open for responses until Friday, October 15th, 2010.

These programs are funded with Library Service & Technology Act (LSTA) funds provided through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to The Texas State Library & Archives Commission (TSLAC). As part of the conditions of that grant, TSLAC is required to report to IMLS the impact of the programs and services funded with the LSTA grant funds. TSLAC staff compiles the information into an annual report that is submitted to IMLS covering all the LSTA-funded grant programs.

Thank you for your participation!

Public Libraries & the Internet survey gathers connection, use, and budget information by facility to provide data for state and national initiatives. See the Adobe .pdf file of the questions here.

Remember the NETLS NEWS list is open to all library supporters. Register here for our lists (or just ask to be added)… also most NETLS News emails are archived on the NETLS Director blog.

New, Emerging and Useful Technologies for Libraries Information (.pdf) Registration

Registration is open for the NETLS Technology Showcase New, Emerging and Useful Technologies for Libraries. The events will be from 9 am to 4 pm on Tuesday, November 9, at the Garland South Branch Library and on Wednesday, November 10 at the Tyler Public Library.

Presenter, Linda W. Braun, will cover technology devices such as eReaders and smartphones as well as tools such as smartphone apps. Linda will discuss what is coming in the near-future and how to make good decisions about using new technologies for a particular library setting and purpose.

Technology Petting Zoo

The workshop also includes a technology petting zoo in the afternoon. We will have several devices on hand to try out including at least one or more of the following: Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone, Droid or Droid2 phones.

From the TWDL Project

On-Site computer training for your community.

TWDL ( is in its second year of offering help for job seekers. One of the help components this year is hands-on training sessions for community members. Don’t have a lab? Not a problem, a mobile lab has 10 – 12 computers that can be used at your site (doesn’t have to be the library). To book a training session in your area complete this brief survey application indicating your site, contact person, preferred day of the week and time of day, etc. Your contact person will be contacted after the survey results are collected.

TWDL Successes?

If your library and library users are using for Job Hunting and Computer resources *and* you or your patrons are willing to be interviewed for public service announcements, talk to Connie. Other promotional materials for TWDL are near the bottom of this page.

netls Tweets

City of Garland honors Steve, Jerry and Robin for 10 years of service to the NETLS community at Employee Appreciation Day presentation.

Mobile Services for Libraries - via @AddThis 5 minutes ago via Tweet Button

Who knows what cloud computing is? - FierceGovernmentIT… .. Agreeing on a definition?

The Zombie Network: Beware 'Free Public WiFi' : NPR Are YOU offering free WiFi on your computer?

Redefining Failure - Harvard Business Review… -- very interesting take on continuing analysis

What is a Benefit Statement & How Can It Help Your Library's Customers Succeed?… View archived great webinar, topic

The Royal Treatment: Top 25 Ed Tech Trends ... this has a school focus and reports the trends

If your library Tweets, let us know and we’ll add you to our list!

SMILE… time for your snapshot!

From TLSA: Texas Library Snapshot Day Fall, 2010


In anticipation of the state legislative’s session, TLA will once again sponsor Texas Library Snapshot Day. Pick any single day in October to gather and submit information about your library. It is a “snapshot” of a day in the life of your library. Library Snapshot Day provides a way for libraries of all types across a state to show what happens in a single day.

The Snapshot Day we held last April proved very successful, with over 500 libraries participating. We want to make sure hundreds more libraries participate this fall, as all of the information we collect will help us make our case at the Capitol! We’ve revised the form to make it shorter and easier. Also, there are a few questions geared for each type of library. And, the form can be submitted by individual branches/ campuses OR by a single system submitting data for all its branches, campuses, etc.

Here is the special website for the event: . On this site, you’ll find a resource library of template press releases, photo and video release forms, bookmarks, summary sheets, tips for using the information to talk with elected officials, and patron input forms for public, school, special, and academic libraries. You will also find instructions on what data to collect. The report of Snapshot Day (held in the spring) is also available.

Also from TLA : 1001 Great Ideas- A Best Practices Forum

Call for Presentations for the 2011 TLA Conference

The 2011 Annual Conference Program Committee is looking for librarians who would like the opportunity to present at a new TLA conference event, the “1001 Great Ideas – A Best Practices Forum.” This event will be held on Tuesday, April 12 from 4:00-5:30 PM. “1001 Great Ideas” is designed to offer small table top sessions representing best practices from all types of libraries in an informal, conversational atmosphere. This event will feature more than 50 small programs occurring simultaneously that are geared to give attendees a taste of the current research, projects and best practices in the library field. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore and ask questions at as many presentations as they would like during the afternoon. All librarians who have great ideas and examples of best practices are encouraged to submit a proposal.

Submit your proposal describing your presentation by Nov. 1st, 2010. Presenters selected will be notified by Dec. 1, 2010. The online submission form is available on the TLA website at .

If you have questions about this event please contact one of the following committee members: Debbie Hall – (School Libraries and Special Libraries); Christine Gola - (Academic Libraries); Ann Noble - (Academic Libraries); and Shelley Lane- (Public Libraries).

Your RDA Lesson… Contributed by Dennis Quinn, Cataloger, Duncanville Public Library


When talking about the WEMI model, I’ve seen people point to a book and ask, “Okay, so what is THIS? Is it a Work? Is it a Manifestation?” Perhaps the most important thing to remember about the WEMI model is that the four parts are not cubby holes for sorting things into categories. They are four different ways to view and describe our materials; anything resulting from somebody's creative effort exists at all of these levels at the same time. Today, we’ll look at the Item and Manifestation levels.

Imagine two copies of a book - let's say, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice - that are exactly the same in every possible way. They're both hardcover editions in English with the same number of pages, etc. In library-speak, these would be two items, or copies, of the same title, and each would get an "item" or "holdings" record linked to the same "title" or "bibliographic" record. In RDA-speak, they are two Items that come from the same Manifestation, which means they’re the same at all levels of the WEMI model except the Item level. It may help to think of them as identical twins; they have the same genetic makeup, but can acquire distinguishing marks and unique characteristics as they grow up. Item-level differences include “copy” numbers, author signatures, coffee stains, torn pages, and the like.

Now, if one of our two copies of Pride and Prejudice came from a different publisher or was published in a different year, they would be separate Manifestations of the same Expression. Now our two books are like non-twin siblings; they come from the same parents, and may look a lot like each other, but they’re not as closely related as identical twins. Manifestation-level differences include date of printing, publication, or copyright; page numbers; dimensions; binding style; large print versus standard print; etc.

In the next issue of NETLS News, we’ll look at the Expression and Work levels.


If your library users, library, Friends or Foundation has something to brag about, do it here! We always want to know about successes and struggles.

Let us know when there is something we’ve offered (consulting, continuing education, projects, or just information) that resulted in success or a story of personal accomplishment.

We love to have your stories when we talk to funders about budgets and your stories help us plan when we know what did or didn’t work.

Buddy Up

.. & On the cheap..
Save with Group Purchase
If your library plans to subscribe to the RDA Toolkit, order through LLIBS
to get in on a group purchase discount. Contact Lisa Winter for more information.

Save with Group Purchase
Don’t Diss the Discount – Free eRate Workshop   November 18, Balch Springs 
If you have been on the fence about E-rate, now is the time to reconsider. A recent order by the FCC just made applying for E-rate a lot easier. There are less requirements and the forms have been streamlined.
 Presenter - Aleck Johnson has been involved with the E-rate program for almost 15 years.
As an E-rate consultant for both libraries and schools, he works closely with applicants of all
sizes to navigate the E-rate process. As an associate in the American Library Association’s
Office for Information Technology Policy, he helped coordinate policy on a number of library
issues, including E-rate, and helped plan and conduct the first nationwide training for state
E-rate coordinators. Mr. Johnson has also worked as a consultant to the Schools and
Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company, assisting in the development
and improvement of the online applications and the creation of documentation to assist applicants.

Workshop Information and registration
Registration for the workshops is limited to staff of Texas public libraries and those public
officials, such as city or county staff, or library board members, who contribute to the library’s
E-rate process.
All E-rate experience levels welcome.
Spend Grant Money

Explore the Library Development Division’s blog for Grant Opportunity postings. Start with this recent post from Jennifer Peters then explore links to previous featured opportunities listed below the current post.

Promoting Audiobooks:

Playaway offers free promotional tools through their Circulation Station.

NetLibrary offers free promotional tools through their tools page.

Overdrive’s promotional materials are in their Library Marketing Kit.

Books on Tape offers free posters, buttons, CD samplers, etc. on their Tools page.

Overdrive -E-Book Cheat Sheet Why the Kindle doesn’t work with Overdrive.

Speaking of Downloadable Media

If you subscribe to a downloadable audiobook service you will now report the number of downloadable audios in your 2010 annual report in lines 6.5 or 6.6.

  • If you import the bib records into your catalog the count is reported in 6.5
  • If you don’t import the titles and provide a link to the service that contains your downloadables you will report the number of your downloadables in 6.6.
  • This is a bib record (not copy) count.
  • The downloadable title is only counted once!

There is a similar count for downloadable video (fields 6.9 and 6.10). E-Books are not yet counted.

Coming soon on a computer near you:

Get on the bus! The Texas State Library and Archives Commission version of the Get on the Bus: Rev Up Your Reference Training is now available. This free online training opportunity is an 8 unit course, covering a vast array of reference service topics. To register and participate in the course, go HERE. The complete program provides 9 CEU/SBEC.

Upcoming Webinars listed on TSLAC Library Developments Blog

Also available: Librarian Live Podcasts

Management and Training topics

Ebsco’s free online training schedule

October 12 Library Expo and District V meeting hosted by Plano ISD

October 12 Technology planning for libraries, free WebJunction webinar

October 15 Outcome surveys on NETLS services due Systems TANG

October 17 – 23 Teen Read Week

October 19 All about Grants Workshop Jacksonville 4CEUs information here

October 20 Engaging in effective communications strategies during the local budgeting process in public librariesa FREE TLA Webinar Information Registration
October 20 All about Grants Workshop Midlothian 4CEUs information here

October 31 Loan Star Library Plan of Action due Awards list

October 31 Applications due CVS

November 1 Garden grant applications due. More info from the Grant Wrangler

November 5 Application deadline for Best Small Library in America Award

November 5 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey closes

November 8 Creating community through dynamic teen book discussion groups -free webinar

November 9 New Technologies program South Garland Library Register

November 10 New Technologies program Tyler Public Library Register

November 12 Applications due for the 2011 Better World Books/NCFL Libraries and Families

November 15 Office Depot grant requests due


By December 15 Application due date for Sara Jaffarian Award (ALA) for humanities programming in schools

By December 17 J Frank Dobie Grant applications due

By December 31 Send (postmark, email or fax) application for Christina B. Woll Memorial Grant

Until December 31 Get in-store grant application from Sam’s or Walmart. They do not accept mailed, fax, phoned applications.


Below the line

How to troubleshoot (click to enlarge