Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stimulus Opportunities (maybe, long)

There was a great webinar on How to Get Stimulus Bill Funding for Your Library's Technology Infrastructure offered by Userful and Librarian’s Yellow Pages today. I’m really glad I attended. Here’s my summary of the presentation, the presenters expect to send follow-up materials as well. If you attended and you heard something differently or I’ve forgotten something important – let me know and I’ll share.

The broadband technology opportunities program specifies (in part) that:

o The overall purposes of the broadband language in the ARRA are:

o To provide broadband service (e.g. faster Internet access) to consumers in unserved areas of the country and improved broadband service to consumers in underserved areas.

o To provide broadband education, awareness, training, access, and support to libraries, educational institutions and other organizations to facilitate greater use of broadband including more use by low-income, unemployed, aged, and otherwise vulnerable populations.

o Funding can be used by libraries and other organizations to undertake projects consistent with the above purposes. More specifically, funding can be used:

o To acquire equipment, networking capability, hardware/software, and digital network technology.

o To construct and deploy broadband services

Not less than $200,000,000 shall be available for competitive grants for expanding public computer center capacity, including at community colleges and public libraries; not less than $250,000,000 shall be available for competitive grants for innovative programs to encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service …

The rules for the grant are not yet ready so applications cannot be submitted yet .. the speaker, John Windhausen is a Washington D.C.-based telecom policy consultant. Among other points he made is that opportunities for libraries lie primarily in expanding computer center capacity, deployment grants and grant managed by the Rural Utility Service (rural being serving a 75% rural population).

The rules are not yet set (repeated for emphasis) but the speaker indicated the following *might* be considerations for applications related to computer center capacity: building expansions or remodel to accommodate more computers; building power upgrades; computer hardware and software; furnishings for computers and computer users; wiring inside buildings; routers and internal equipment; conduit (trenching, etc); outside wire; one time charge to connect.

Mr. Windhausen also suggested that deployment grants provide broadband education, awareness, training, access, equipment and support. Also suggested was the likelihood of broadband providers seeking libraries at partners to strengthen their applications.

The rules are expected to include (rules are not yet set): a 20% local match for the federal funds (ALA has requested waiver of this requirement for libraries), a requirement that projects are substantially complete within two years. Favorable conditions for grants likely include the ability to rapidly move on projects, projects that increase affordability and serve the greatest number of people, indications that the project couldn’t be completed as quickly or as well without the funding, projects to reduce costs, save energy, reduce redundancies, (job creation). Some projects may be considered under more than one section – the parts may be “assigned” to an application. Disclose other funding requests or applications (no duplication of funding).

May 28-30 Zula B. Wylie Library Friends book sale at the library

May 29-30 Friends of the Sunnyvale Library Book Fair, library parking lot. (10-6 Friday, and 9-6 Saturday)

Contact Kathi Mehan (972-205-2550) if your library is interested in this local history item:

Author: Sanders, Barrot Steven.

Title: The Caruths : Dallas' landed gentry / Barrot Steven Sanders.

Publisher: Irving, Tex. : Sanders Press, 1988.

Description: 326 p. : ill. (ports.) ; 23 cm.

Subjects: Caruth family.

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In Times Square a NETLS Award is featured!


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