Monday, June 14, 2010

NETLS Updates & Information 6/14/2010

From the June 7 Meeting


Advisory Council Election Results:

NETLS members elected two Advisory Council members to serve full 3-year terms, and one Alternate member to serve a 1-year term during the annual meeting on June 7, 2010 in Garland.

* Linda Garrett (Rockwall) and Linda Larey (Texarkana) will serve until August 2013.

*Anne Saucer (Dallas) will serve a one year term as Alternate Council Member until August 2011.


NETLS 2010 Awards Honor:

We congratulate all of our NETLS 2010 Award Winners, here is the full list of awardees.

Thank you to the committee members for their support and participation: Yasma Holland (Kaufman), Donna Gillespie (Crandall), Susan Maxwell (Waxahachie), Kara Spitz (Longview), Terri Allison (Carrollton), and Advisory Council Liaisons, Linda Garrett and Lynne Kornegay.


Literacy Mini-grants Awarded,

Bullard Community Library

Cooke County Library

Dallas Public Library

Longview Public Library

McKinney Public Library

Palestine Public Library

Richardson Public Library

Rockwall County Library

Tatum Public Library


Seven NETLS libraries are up and running on Koha, the open source software. Visit the TRUCat catalog for holdings of libraries in WTLS and NETLS regions for a sample search or two.


To the new libraries in Hughes Springs (now open) and Alba (coming soon).

If your library was not represented at this meeting, look for your meeting packet and SYNG computer training disks soon!


Computer training disks purchased for member libraries by the project were distributed to libraries in attendance at the June 7 meeting. Libraries not represented at the meeting will received their disks in the packets being sent to them.

The Typing Instructor disks have arrived and will be sent to all member libraries. These disks play on both PC and Mac and offer the ability to change settings to view instruction in Spanish.

More or Less .. If your library does not want to use these disks, please contact us and we will not send them to you or if you have already received them, please return them to the NETLS office. If your library needs more disks, contact us. We may have disks to redistribute or may purchase additional copies.

The Friends of the Rains County Public Library are one of 14 groups nationally recognized with ALTAFF's Best Friends Award 2009! Best Friends Awards are given to Friends groups for outstanding publicity and marketing materials that promote the group and its programs and projects.

Their marketing materials were recognized in two categories (more):
View the Summer Reading Club Animoto

See their winning book sale poster (.pdf)

Congratulations to the Friends, the staff and Rains County community.


If your library users, library, Friends or Foundation has something to brag about, do it here! We always want to know about successes and struggles.

Let us know when there is something we’ve offered (consulting, continuing education, projects, or just information) that resulted in a success or story of personal accomplishment.

We love to have your stories when we talk to funders about budgets and your stories help us plan when we know what did or didn’t work.

Wild & Crazy?

If you’ve got some innovation up your sleeve that would challenge the status quo and be a model for others, start gathering the information needed to apply for a Sparks! Ignition Grant. Guidelines for the $25,000 grants will be available after August 15, applications due November 15.

Praxair Foundation Grants

See Chris Jowaisas’ reminder of the Praxair Foundation Grants. Here is a list of Texas communities where Praxair does business. Thanks, Chris!

Theresa Holden of the Palestine Public Library invites you to view the Power Point training guide she uses in ResumeMaker classes. We shared McKinney Public Library System’s ResumeMaker training guide and brochure earlier this month.

If you have a training guide to share, send it on! If you aren’t a ResumeMaker program participant and you want to be, contact Connie.

More Free webinars.

Try Booklist webinars. Note the archived sessions offered as well as the featured upcoming session:


This class (not free) is for nonprofit agencies. The Friday, June 18, course is $195, $100 scholarships are available.

Texas Library News

Keeps up with library news around the state. (Note: Most programming will not be listed.)


Explore TWDL.ORG to find high quality resources for dealing with unemployment, improving computer skills, and finding employment.

If you have other resources to be added to the site, let me know.

Job Postings

Recruitment continues to fill a new position for Electronic Services with the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library in Wylie.

SMU is seeking candidates to fill an opening at their Cox School of Business, Business Information Center.

Buddy Up

Several libraries in the region are exploring changing their library automation systems. If you are interested in partnering with another library, let us know – maybe we can do some match-making!


Tammy Crooks of Baker and Taylor for possible Summer Reading club give-aways.

Puppet Sharing Co-op?

Indicate interest in a possible Puppet Sharing Co-op here.

Audio Cassette Cases

Chris Ely in Whitewright has a variety of audiobook cassette cases to give away. Contact Chris by email and she’ll see if she’s got something you need.

Coming soon on a computer near you:

Getting Started with a Social Media Plan Learn about Twitter and Facebook and how they can fit into your library’s outreach, marketing, and programming efforts. Meg will introduce the tools, the plans, and the questions you should answer before launching social media at your library.


Managing Your Library's Online Reputation Wondering what people are saying about your library on Twitter or other social media platforms? Join Meg to learn about tools you can use to track and engage your customers (and non-customers). Meg will introduce tools, tips, and tricks for monitoring the Twitter-verse and other sites to capture what people are saying – the good, bad, and ugly and how you can respond.

Successful Social Media Programs at Your Library So you have launched your library into the Twitter-verse! Now what? How do you attract followers? How can you use it to publicize events? Provide new services? Join Meg as she takes you on a tour of successful social media experiences. Meg’s tour will cover libraries and other organizations that have been effective at using Twitter to highlight events, achievements, and services.

Flip-in' Out @ the Library Learn how Flip Video has partnered with TechSoup to make its pocket-sized digital camcorders available to eligible libraries and nonprofit organizations. These simple camcorders can be used by people with any level of video experience to create, edit, and share movies. Learn how libraries use these camcorders to give their staff, volunteers, and constituents the ability to further their causes through digital storytelling.

Training Resources:


June webinar calendar. Did you miss a webinar? Check here.

From WebJunction

Ongoing Gale guided tours

Ongoing E-Library training – see blog post here

Also available: Librarian Live Podcasts

Booklist Webinars

June 17 Flip-in’ Out @ the Library, a TechSoup Webinar, FREE

June 23 Getting started with a Social Media Plan, TSLAC Webinar, FREE

June 24 AFP DFW Philanthropy Conference 2010. Arlington Convention Center

June 25 – 28 ALA Annual Conference, Washington

By June 30 Apply for Broookdale National Group Respite program grants of up to $10,000 over two years for weekly half day social programs for individuals with dementia/Alzheimer Disease

June 30 Managing Your Library’s Online Reputation, TSLAC Webinar, FREE

By July 1 Non-profit applications due for Best Buy’s @ 15 Community Grants

July 7 Successful Social Media Programs at Your Library, TSLAC Webinar, FREE

July 13 Digital Rights, Internet, and Social Media TLA premium webinar (Fees: $45, $55 non-member)

August 9 & 10 Annual Literacy Texas Conference , Austin. NETLS stipends available, contact Connie

August 15 Libri Foundation grant applications due. For grants of childrens books for small libraries.


Below the line

.. Dough fun!

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