Thursday, July 2, 2009

NETLS Information & Updates 7/1

Applications will be accepted for the first round of funding between July 14August 14, 2009. Application packages for electronic and paper submissions will be available at: See this fact sheet. Application forms are not yet available. Check ALA’s Know Your Stimulus for more information. Watch the site for more details on the ALA Washington Office's webinar Wednesday, July 8th to help you navigate the application process.

Library supporters rallied for it and the legislators funded it and now the rules relating to how the new state funding for systems will be distributed and for which purposes are being formulated. Proposed rules for the funding were published in the June 26 Texas Register which also includes changes to rules for accreditation and extension of Sunset review for some TSLAC committees. Written comments on these proposal may be submitted -- earliest possible date of adoption is July 26.

Applications for major grants ($1,500+) offered by/through Humanities Texas are due twice a year : March 15 and September 15. Applications for Humanities Texas minigrants (under $1,500)are due at least six weeks before the start of the planned project. For an idea of projects funded, see the current calendar of Humanities Texas events. Links to a sample minigrant grant application and sample major grants are here.

Do you have an up-to-date floor plan? Vance Hunt & Associates has generously offered to help libraries by providing basic professionally drawn floor plans. If you are interested in this no obligation opportunity contact Craig Tappe at 972-740-9008 or 800-228-2623.

If your library offers (or is interested in offering) chat reference, please contact me, you may be able to join and existing service and gain some cost savings.

For a variety of training options, check the Library Developments blog on the TSLAC website.

One of the hardest things about reducing budgets and a possible change to staffing or staffing levels is the gossip. There may be a staff person who tries to be the informal source of information for coworkers. The gossip may know what is going on but usually guesses at plans before they are complete or before you are ready to present the plans. What to do? Share information as soon as it is ready; make sure that mid-managers are sharing information in their areas of responsibility; address the gossip. The April 2009 edition of SuperVision contains Neutralizing the power of workplace gossip by Barbara Nefer, Psy. D., and article that could be helpful. Further down the page are additional links to articles on addressing workplace gossip.

Install the Silverlight plug-in on public access computers by July so that patrons will be able to use the new Live Homework Help Learning Suite in the library and so you may be able to advise home users on doing the same. Contact Jennifer Hinton if you have questions about the product or process.

Last week I shared the mouse tutorial recommended by Sylvia Rodriguez, Greenville. Sylvia sent an entire sheet of helpful tutorial links. For beginning Internet users, she recommends this colorful site from the U.K.

We’ll continue to share suggestions, so if you know of a great website, book, DVD or other tool to teach a first-time computer user to use a mouse, use toolbars, resize windows, navigate, etc – please send me an email. The most basic stuff – pretend Rip Van Winkle woke up and asked for help with a computer. J We frequently have requests for this information and we want to share or develop the best!

July 10 Collaborative Digitization: Preconference @ 2009 ALA Annual Conference

By July 15 Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Funding from this program strengthens efforts to extend the life of important collections and make their intellectual content widely accessible, often through the use of digital technology.

July Helping Your Community Get Back to Work

  • July 16 – Aubrey, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • July 17 – DeSoto, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • July 22 – Greenville, 12 to 4 p.m.
  • July 23 – South Garland Library, NMLS, 12 to 4 p.m.
  • July 24 – Coppell, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

July 21, Webinar: Open Source Library System Software: Libraries Are Doing it For Themselves 2 – 3 pm

By July 24 Register to win 60 books from Sterling Publishing (read the rules - a .pdf)

July 28-30
TLA Annual Assembly

Now through July 31 Everyone Wins -- When School and Public Libraries Cooperate!Online 4 CEUs for school and public librarians.

August 7 Tyler – save the date for this regional meeting – details to follow

August 14 Selecting the right stuff - Allen - Registration is booming, sign up now!
By August 15
Humanities Texas (Major) Grant
letters of interest/grant applications due

By September 15 Ezra Jack Keats Minigrant applications due

By September 15 Humanities Texas (Major) Grant applications due

Below the line

Library chairs?

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