Thursday, May 27, 2010

NETLS Updates & Information 5/27

June 7

Membership Meeting


Your Assignment:

1.    Register everyone attending (even if not having a meal)

2.    Brag or just update everyone with a library report

3.    Nominate a lay representative for the Advisory Council

4.    Attend, enjoy, learn, and applaud award winners

Tocker Grant Review
Steve, Jerry and I are always happy to review Tocker Grant applications before you submit your requests. If you would like us to review an application, please give us 3-4 days to review and get back to you.  We will respond as soon as we can.

SnapShot Day
View SnapShot Day photos as Flickr slideshows from NETLS libraries in Coppell, Mineola, and Winnsboro.  For the entire group visit this link.


Let your community know

May 29 – 31 Texas sales tax holiday for the purchase of Energy Star® appliances.  The list of eligible appliances and additional details are here.


For Students

Announcing the Pen 2 Paper project, a disability-focused, state-wide creative writing competition. This contest seeks to engage Texans of all ages to consider and reconsider their experiences with and ideas and stereotypes about disability. Students (junior high through university) are encouraged to submit entries.



Thanks for your input on the mini-survey.  Twenty-nine of the 33 libraries responding say renewal due dates are calculated based on date of renewal.  All the responding libraries renew materials for the same length of time as the original loan.


Book Repair Service

A new book repair service is now offered by a local library support company, Library Integrated Solutions & Assoc.  The $2.00 per item service includes replacing book jackets, repairs, labels, etc.  (This is not a bindery service.)  Contact the company by phone at 214-726-9290.

Neat Idea

This photo from flickr shows how one library can identify library owned laptops at a glance.  Note they have identified an instructor laptop and use a different skin for the student/public computers.  This photo shows the public “skin” with donor recognition and computer number.

Wild & Crazy?

If you’ve got some innovation up your sleeve that would challenge the status quo and be a model for others start gathering the information needed to apply for a Sparks! Ignition Grant.   Guidelines for the $25,000 grants will be available after August 15, applications due November 15.

Theresa Holden of the Palestine Public Library invites you to view the Power Point training guide she uses in Resume Maker classes.  We shared McKinney Public Library System’s Resume Maker training guide and brochure earlier this month. 


If you have a training guide to share, send it on!  If you aren’t a Resume Maker program participant and you want to be, contact Connie.

More Free webinars.

Try Booklist webinars.  Note the archived sessions offered as well as the featured upcoming session:  June 1 for Power to the User on Interactive Online Reference Sources and June 8 for Now Hear This: Audiobooks A to Z



This class (not free) is for nonprofit agencies.  The course is $195, $100 scholarships are available. 


Texas Reading Club / Texas Teen Read

Materials are now available – don’t miss the Governor’s proclamation declaring June 5 Texas Reading Club Day and June 7 Texas Teens Read! Day. 


Texas Library News

Keeps up with library news around the state courtesy of TLA.  (Note: Most programming will not be listed.)


  Explore TWDL.ORG to find high quality resources for dealing with unemployment, improving computer skills, and finding employment.


If you have other resources to be added to the site, let me know!


Did you know about InPictures?

InPictures is a site that offers step-by-step computer productivity training (MS Office and OpenOffice) along with some web and query tutorials.  Visit InPictures to see if this training method works for you and your computer learners.

Job Posting

Rita and Truett Smith Public Library in Wylie is seeking an Electronic Services Librarian. 


Buddy Up

Several libraries in the region are exploring changing their library automation systems.  If you are interested in partnering with another library, let us know – maybe we can do some match-making!



Tammy Crooks of Baker and Taylor for possible Summer Reading club give-aways. 


Puppet Sharing Co-op?

Indicate interest in a possible Puppet Sharing Co-op here.


Northeast Texas Digital Library Consortium

This project is a vendor plan, NOT ASSOCIATED WITH NETLSThe project is offered to libraries with population served under 100,000, not current Overdrive customers and in our service area.   Some interested parties are interested in knowing who their partners would be if they participate – so let them know if your library is planning to participate by providing your contact information here

 Overdrive contact is Claudia Weissman.

NETLS Training Resources:


   Non-NETLS webinars



      May webinar calendar.   Did you miss a webinar?  Check here.


From WebJunction


Ongoing Gale guided tours

Ongoing E-Library training – see blog post here 

   Also available:       Archives of SirsiDynix Institutes

Librarian Live Podcasts

Booklist Webinars


By May 28 Literacy Texas nominations for volunteer and learner of the year

By May 28 Literacy Texas Financial Fitness Festival grant applications due

By May 31 Toys for Tots Alferd Williams Literacy Awards nominations due

By May 31 Final reports on Picturing American artwork awards due

By June 1  Tocker Foundation  grant applications due 

By June 1  Members apply for YALSA’s Teen Read Week Grant

By June 1  Bridging Cultures NEH grant applications due 

June 5 Texas Reading Club Day

June 7 NETLS Membership Meeting, Garland

June 7 Texas Teens Read! Day

June 9    Fair Use vs. Copyright TLA premium webinar (Fees: $45, $55 non-member)

June 25 – 28  ALA Annual Conference, Washington

By June 30 Apply for Broookdale National Group Respite program grants of up to $10,000 over two years for weekly half day social programs for individuals with dementia/Alzheimer Disease 

By July 1 Non-profit applications due for Best Buy’s @ 15 Community Grants

July 13    Digital Rights, Internet, and Social Media TLA premium webinar (Fees: $45, $55 non-member)

August 9 & 10 Annual Literacy Texas Conference , Austin.  NETLS stipends available, contact Connie


Below the line …  

.. Miss the old photobooth and bad photos?  Try this!


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