Friday, February 18, 2011

Questioning the Future - Check this out!

FROM Library Development Division Blog (invitation below) :

Staff here in Library Development are excited to welcome one of libraryland’s most thought-provoking and dynamic speakers to Austin!

Stephen Abram will speak at the Texas State Library & Archives Commission in the main floor reference room on February 24, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. If you’re interested in attending the talk, please R.S.V.P to and put “Stephen Abram Talk” in the subject line. View the press release for more details.

If you’re not local, but still want to participate, there’s also an opportunity for you. Following his talk, State Librarian, Peggy Rudd, will interview Stephen for a podcast that we’ll record and then broadcast. Do you have a question to pose to library futurist, Stephen Abrams? Are you curious to get this thought leader’s opinions on the various issues facing libraries today?

If you would like to submit a question for Stephan Abram during that podcast, please submit your questions to Dawn Vogler at

Abram Invitation -

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