Wednesday, February 2, 2011

TexShare Update - Email addresses removed to limit spam

Dear TexShare Member Libraries:

We’ve heard from a number of libraries regarding H.B. 1 and TexShare funding. All of the TexShare and Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) staff are working hard to address your concerns and reflect our commitment to providing the library community with access to the databases they value most.

· We have funding in place this year to renew the core set of TexShare databases ( through June 30, 2012. The Electronic Information Working Group (EIWG) will meet soon to determine whether we should streamline this core in order to “shore up” our resources for deployment in the next biennium. Please feel free to contact TSLAC ( or any member of the working group ( to discuss your priorities for the database program.

· Our calculations indicate that we will be able to provide a solid core of databases through the next biennium – with subscriptions running through June 30, 2014.

· Member fees will be increased only to a level that is affordable to member libraries and reflects a significant cost savings to them. The Database Cost Sharing Working Group will meet in early February. Please contact TSLAC , Ann Mason, or any member of the working group ( to discuss your concerns regarding cost share.

· TSLAC has submitted a request to the Legislative Budget Board to add state (general revenue) funding of $3.3 million over the biennium to the TexShare database program. This is ranked as the commission’s highest priority. A state funding base for TexShare is vital to the long-term sustainability of the database program. If you are interested in supporting this request or in communicating with the Legislature, the Texas Library Association has resources that can assist you. (

· We have also received questions regarding the courier service. We are working on funding scenarios for that service. As the situation unfolds, we’ll keep you informed.

· We look forward to continuing our support for the TexShare card program, to which we are fully committed.

Please contact me at any time with your questions and concerns.

Beverley Shirley, Division Director
Library Resource Sharing
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
(512) 463-5433
FAX (512) 936-2306

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