Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An invitation...


March 14, Rusk County Library is hosting a genealogy program on Saturday, March 14, 2009. We are co-sponsoring the event with East Texas Genealogical Society. We would like to invite NETLS libraries' staff, volunteers, patrons -- anyone interested in genealogy -- to attend. – Pam Pipkin, Rusk County Library, 106 E. Main St. Henderson 903-657-8557

Charity Care Information

The Hospital Accountability Project announced that a Manual listing the charity care policies and community benefit programs of Texas non-profit hospitals is now available to the public.

Nonprofit Libraries and Statewide Purchasing

Nonprofit libraries receiving Loan Star Library Grants (or any other state funding) can join the statewide purchasing cooperative program as “assistance organizations”. In addition to the application submit a board approved resolution -- model language is on the application – copies of articles of incorporation and certification of incorporation and copy of a current contract or grant showing state funding. (Oh, and $100) More about the process here.

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