Monday, February 23, 2009

NETLS Updates & Information 2/23

Need an OPAC stand? The University Park Library has OPAC stands they are willing to pass on to interested libraries. Each stand holds one computer. Contact the library if you are interested in getting one or more of these items.

Hot Dates ....

February 27, (this Friday) TSLAC Grant applications due in Austin.

March 20 Grant due - Literacy and Gaming initiative funded by Verizon

April 30 Application deadline Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes honors outstanding young leaders (8 - 18) who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet.

NETLS Continuing Education classes

By February 28 register for online course, Change Management & Leadership by Saturday -- take the class at your convenience in March.

February 27 Greenville and Saturday, February 28 in Dallas... Advanced Google classes.

March 16 Frisco and March 27 Balch Springs .... EBSCO Databases

Co-Sponsored Continuing Education
Para Los Ninos

March 13 in Irving 8:30 a.m. Workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m.

Interested in hosting a workshop?

Texas State Library has partnered with WebJunction to bring you Reaching Our Spanish-Speaking Audience (ROSA). This professional development program will equip library staff with knowledge and resources to reach out to Spanish speakers in your communities and increase their access to technology. ROSA workshops will be offered throughout Texas – contact Dawn Vogler (512) 936-4449 if your library is interested in hosting a full day workshop for 15 or more attendees.

March 19-22 in Dallas Christian Book Expo ... Perhaps just what you need if you are developing a Christian fiction collection. Discounted pre-registration deadline is probably March 12 (the full refund deadline) Registration is open now.

Explore the website, they have provided a discount code for retailers and librarians to share with their clientele and offer a special gift to professionals.

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