Tuesday, February 17, 2009

NETLS Information & Updates 2/16

Hot Dates!

February 18, 2009, Tekkies assemble at 9:30 am and meet at 10:00 am at the Carrollton Public Library at Josey Ranch Lake. The Library is located at 1700 Keller Springs Road in Carrollton. Meeting is open to all.

By February 20, The Automation and Technology Round Table (ATRT) of the Texas Library Association will make available two stipends of $700 for library employees who are involved in library automation and technology services to attend a TLA Conference and Annual Assembly.
February 20, 2009 -- Letters of recommendation from immediate supervisors must be sent via FAX or email.
February 20, 2009 -- Application deadline
Application form will be made available electronically online
and via Adobe PDF , or a Microsoft Word document .

By February 23 RSVP to 1.800.875.2785 or elaines @ midwesttapes.com for Midwest tapes demonstration events March 4 in Greenville and March 5 in Longview.

By February 27 members of TLA and SCLRT (Small Community Library Round Table) apply for TLA Conference Stipend 2009 sponsored by Biblionix.

By February 27 NETLS is offering to pay the registration fee for several people to attend the Association for Rural and Small Libraries Annual Conference in Gatlinburg, TN in September.

Librarians from NETLS who have been to an ARSL Conference say they were the most beneficial, enjoyable library conference they had attended. They enjoyed the intimate feel and valued the opportunity to get practical ideas they could use in their libraries. Attendees also appreciated the opportunity for one-on-one meetings with staff members from libraries similar to theirs and with conference speakers. The conference registration fee includes a few meals. Housing at the conference hotel, which is where all activities are held, is a reasonable $70 per night.

If you and/or members of your library staff would like to be considered for payment of the ARSL Conference registration fee, please reply to Steve Seale by Friday, February 27, with the following information:
§ Library name
§ Staff member name(s)
§ In 100 words or less, how you think your community could benefit from your attending the conference
If you have questions, please contact Steve Seale, NETLS Continuing Education
Consultant, 972/205-6332.

By February 27 TSLAC grant applications http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/funding/lsta/

Until February 28 register for the online tutorial, Change Management & Leadership: If Change Is So Wonderful Why Aren’t We Having Fun Yet? Students will be able to complete the course throughout March.

Learn how to handle the rollercoaster of change After completing this course, students will be able to:
Assess both the benefits and the costs of change in your job, department, branch, library, institution and community

Understand how change impacts people in your library differently and have more empathy for their point of view
Identify what mistakes are likely and how to lower their impact on you and your staff
Feel more calm and confident, even when the world is unraveling
Be more influential during times of change.

2009 Reading Club news from Christine McNew
The 2009 Texas Reading Club and Texas Teens Read! manuals are now online in HTML format.
Texas Reading Club manual

Texas Teens Read! manual

The manuals are also available in printable PDF formats, and CD-Roms will soon be mailed to participating libraries.
The posters, reading logs, certificates, and bookmarks for both programs will be mailed to participating libraries by March 31, 2009.

NEW CREW Manual announced by Dawn Vogler
The Library Development Division of the Texas State Library is very pleased to announce an updated and revised version of the CREW method written by Jeanette Larson!

For more than 30 years, The CREW Method has provided guidance to librarians and staff in small and medium sized public libraries about how to cull outdated and no longer useful materials from their collections. Although much of the basic information remains the same, the impact of changes in technology and its effect on library collections has been taken into consideration. The CREW guidelines by Dewey Class have been expanded even further and updated to reflect current practices. New sections have been added that explain in more detail the MUSTIE factors and types of disposal. The bibliography has been updated to include current editions of standard works, contemporary selections, and expanded online resources.

Access the pdf version of this manual.

An html version will be online in a few weeks and a print copy (for use right in the stacks!) of the new CREW will be sent to each public library in Texas over the next month or so. We hope you all continue to make great use of this very simple weeding method. Contact Dawn Vogler Dawn Vogler [dvogler@tsl.state.tx.us] if you are interested in receiving training on CREW.

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